Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Roundup

China is not much of a global economic leader. China doesn't see financially protecting Europe as critical for its own economy; it feels that is is segmented enough to protect itself. This also shows how China is not willing to provide global public goods (ie stable finance). It is no economic hegemon, and therefore doesn't act in a way conducive to global economic coordination.

There's been a series of good posts from FT alphaville on the issues facing European finance. Given the meteoric rise and fall of finance in Europe, one has to wonder why the markets didn't price in the risk. The most plausible answer? There was too much that they could never have known; markets were too opaque. This should be a lesson for people who think they can "calculate" the optimal level of risk. You know too little about probabilities to make a surefire judgment; you should resort to looking at fragilities instead.

Banking union? Not likely. International economic coordination is hard, and Europe isn't quite up to it. There's just too many different interests at play for a banking union to work; who would we hold responsible to pay? Banking is a market that extends beyond governance, which makes it almost impossible to solve the problems with capital flight and get the Euro on solid footing.

China is slowing down further: steel edition It's really quite staggering how many different factors are converging at the same time: China bleeding into Australia, India slowing down, and then the Eurozone is falling apart. We have no idea how bad it's going to get, which makes the fragility of all financial systems particularly worrisome.

Global equities fall on the announcements of one Federal reserve chair. Asia was counting on further easing, and the fact that Bernanke didn't come out clearly in support of it is not good news. The announcement really marks how the United States truly is a monetary superpower; a tentative decision on QEIII is enough to send markets roiling. These are the kinds of problems that make me really wish that monetary policy was done in a more rule-based fashion that took into account the gigantic output gap. Perhaps something like NGDP targeting...

More on the safe assets story and the fiscal cliff. This shadow banking dimension is something I want to investigate going forward because it seems to be a new channel for traditional fiscal and monetary policies. Shadow banking seems to make fiscal policy more powerful as it improves the stock of collateral, whereas it makes monetary policy more problematic as stocks of collateral are bought up.

An interesting look at the linkages between Europe and the United States. I think the finance data coupling indicates that the relationship really goes beyond simple export statistics. This is an interesting problem from the concepts of "opacity", because we really don't know the extent of the connection. All that we know is that there are hints of financial coupling, which might make the Eurozone contagion problematic for the United States.

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